
Copyright 2020. USA Tour Pros, LLC. All rights reserved.


Tom and Alice met at travel school in December 2003 and struck up an immediate friendship…maybe based on the fact they are both from Jersey. They then studied together to pass the Washington, DC Tourist Guide exam and continued their teamwork to earn their NYC Sightseeing Guide Licenses. 

In late 2009 they teamed up and wrote the first NYC Study Pack to assist future Tour Pros in passing the NYC Sightseeing Exam. Their manual, the first of its kind, became a standard study prep and led to their teaming up to collate a NYC Training Guide, a useful catch-all manual that covers everything from why the city's curbing is granite to how much you can make in NYC as a dog walker.

In 2010 they held their first Training Class and FAM trip in NYC for 25 attendees, sponsored by tour operator and industry leader, USA Student Travel. Over three days, they not only taught those Tour Pros how to lead a group tour in NYC, they also shared their hints and expertise to asset them in passing the Sightseeing Guide exam on their first try. And, all 25 did!

Now is the perfect time to purchase your NYC Study Pack today and get your NYC Sightseeing Guide License for the 2021 Tour Season!